Job application template

Establish a personal connection with candidates from the start when you collect job applications using VideoAsk.

Get started for free.

Save time hiring and create an engaging candidate experience with a personalized job application video flow. Set expectations, qualify candidates, and receive resumes—all with one template.



This job application form lets you introduce the experience, with a button answer type instructing candidates to click when they’re ready to begin.



Ask about experience with a multiple-choice answer type. Candidates who qualify move to open-ended interview questions, and those who don’t qualify receive an explanation.



After the interview steps, candidates are instructed to submit their resume, using the file upload answer type.


Why use video for a job application?

Using video for your job application form lets you assess candidates’ soft skills straight away, while creating a warm first impression that keeps candidates engaged.

What should I ask for on a job application form?

How can I optimize my job application form?

Is the file upload answer type free?

Make it part of your workflow

Connect VideoAsk to over 1,500 applications through Zapier, or use our API and webhooks.

Hire like never before