Candidate outreach template

Boost candidate outreach by attracting potential candidates with interactive video.

✌️ No credit card required.

Build a strong talent pipeline for your organization with this candidate outreach template that showcases your company culture, dives into the role, and introduces candidates to future team members.


Welcome potential candidates to your hiring process and briefly describe the role, next steps, and how to navigate the videoask.


Break down the specific topics your candidate can learn about your company. Candidates can choose what they’d like to learn about next from a list of multiple-choice options.


Once your candidate has navigated through the flow, they can select to “Apply now.” This redirects them to your application form.


Why use interactive video for candidate outreach?

Using interactive video for candidate outreach attracts top talent while letting you assess candidates’ skills and compatibility with your company culture.

Where should I share my candidate outreach videoask?

What are the most useful VideoAsk features for candidate outreach?

Is the redirect to URL feature free?

Make it part of your workflow

Connect VideoAsk to over 1,500 applications through Zapier, or use our API and webhooks.

Scale your face to face